A historical landmark in the town of Katanning, the Royal Exchange Hotel was originally called the Railway Hotel when it was first built in 1891. Richard Bell was the first publican of the former Railway Hotel, Katanning's second hotel, a wood and iron structure located directly across from the railway station. It changed it's name to the Royal Exchange Hotel when JC Cook owned it in the late 1890s.

In 1899, when Katanning was experiencing a building boom, A Stewart was contracted for a new Royal Exchange hotel building. The new hotel was badly damaged by fire and therefore in 1905 vast improvements were made to the hotel, the builder being Mr Alex Thomson. The two-storey hotel was constructed from bricks made from the F & C Piesse Brickworks. Our Katanning Hotel’s heritage and colonial architecture blends with the character of the town and the surrounding farming communities.

We have adapted and changed our service to exceed the expectations of the Katanning community since 1908. The motel is recognised for the warm, friendly and professional service in our relaxed surroundings. Book yourself into the Royal Exchange Hotel. Best Rate Guaranteed.